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gvSIG-Desktop 1.1. Manual de usuario.

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2011-04-19 16:42

Herramientas de consulta

Herramienta de información

You can access the information tool via the following button in the tool bar


or by going to the “View” menu bar, to “Query” and then to “Information”.

The “Information Tool” is used to obtain information about the map elements.

When you click on an element using this tool, gvSIG shows the selected element’s attributes in a dialogue window. However, the layer of the element you wish to identify must previously be activated.


Medir áreas

You can access this tool via the following button


or by going to the “View” menu and then to “Query” and “Measure area”.

This tool works in much the same way as “Measure distances”. Click on the point that represents the first polygon vertex that defines the area to be measured. Move the mouse and click on each new vertex until you reach the last one, then double click so that the application knows there are no more.

The calculation for the measured area appears at the bottom right of the view window.


Medir Distancias


This tool provides information about the distance between two points. You can also access the tool by going to the “View” menu, to “Query” and then to “Measure distances”.


Firstly, make sure you have correctly defined the units of measurement (metres by default).

Remember that the units can be defined in the “Project manager” in the view properties or from the “View” menu and the “Properties” when working in a view.

You can use the measure distance tool by clicking on the mouse at the source point and dragging it to the destination point.

You can take as many measurements as you like. Double click on the last one to finish.

The calculation for the measured distance appears at the bottom of the view window. Both the distance of the last measured segment and the total distance are shown.

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